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Monday 5 November 2012


Paper I (Clinical Pathology and General Pathology)
Time: 2 hours Total marks: 40
Answer in single sentence
1. Define metaplasia.
2. List two infective ulcers of the intestine
3. Define Type II hypersensitivity reaction.
4. Mention two tests for proteinuria                   (4x1/2=2 marks)
5. Male 15 yrs. Presented with fever, sore throat, cervical lymph node enlargement.
Investigations: TC 14,000/cmm, DC-p20L75E5.Peripheral smear-No immature cells seen.
• What is your diagnosis?
• Describe the characteristic peripheral smear findings.
• What is the etiology of this condition?
• What is the test to confirm the diagnosis?
• Name two organs involved in this condition (1+2+1+1+1= 6 marks)
Write short answers on:
6. Ghons complex.
7. Ketonuria
8. Scurvy
9. Fat embolism                                                  (4x2=8 marks)
10. Define inflammation.
Describe briefly the cellular and humoral mediators of inflammation.
Mention the different morphological patterns of acute inflammation with examples.
                                                                              (1+4+3=8 marks)
Write short notes on:
11. Pathogenesis of reversible cell injury.
12. Blood grouping and cross matching.
13. Routes of metastasis.
14. CSF examination.                                         (4x4=16)